Welcome to the Natural History Website of Jonathan McGowan

Specialisms and Interests
This website is designed to reflect my natural history interests and current activities, and is regulary updated.
Alongside my practical activities I have acquired a vast collection of photographs of flora and fauna and included a small sample of the total in this website.
My Blogs
My blogs (right) are intended to keep a log of sightings, observations and provide an opportunity for comment and discussion.
Contact Me
You can contact me by clicking here for further details of my areas of study, if you are interested in my taxidermy or if you would like any advice regarding natural history.
Centre for Fortean Zoology Expeditions
Sumatra, Indonesia
In 2011 I went to the rain forests of west Sumatra on one of Adam Davies' expeditions to search for the Orang Pendek.
Here are descriptions of the amazing geography, bio-diversity of life within the jungle; including plants and fungi, invertebrates and other Sumatran wildlife.
Meghalaya, India
In 2010 I went to the state of Meghalaya in North-East India to search for another cryptid (the Mande Burong).
Here you can see photographs and video of this fascinating part of the world.
My Blogs
The Natural Stuff Diary is a weekly record of natural history and is regularly updated.
Big Cat News is my regularly updated field evidence.
My blog on UFOs is my accounts and experiences of unexplained phenomena.