Sumatra Wildlife Plants and Fungi

The jungle canopy |

The thorns of rattan palms are lethal |

A fern |

A common fern |

Many species of houseplants are derived from these jungles |

Wonderful colours |

Strange buds |

Star shaped flowers |

Cinnamon leaves |

A cobra lilly |

A species of spiranthes was growing in a clearing |

Begonias were the most common of ground dwelling plants |

There were lots of lovely looking flowers |

Monkey flowers |

Strange roots |

There were lots of lovely looking flowers |

Coconuts |

Orange lichen |

This bracket fungi was common |

The typical forest floor |

Entomorphic fungi thrive in these damp forests. Here a spider has
been overcome. |

An octopus like fungi |

Club fungi |

Fungi in Pedang |

Pedang bracket |

This was one of my favourite fungi |

Fungi in Pedang |

Pedang fungi |

Pedang fungi |

Tiny bonnet fungi |

Puffball in Malaysia |

Bracket |

Leaf like fungi |

A fungus or a slime mould |

A fungus or a slime mould |