About me.
From a child, I was put into care, not having lived with my real parents for very long.I moved through various foster homes and children’s homes right up to the age of eighteen. some of the foster parents that I lived with abused me and my twin brother David and other children in their so called care.This abuse and lack of parental love had a huge effect on my life and still does.My childhood was plagued with problems, health issues and loneliness.I sought answers from an early age.I was not to be programmed like most people or conditioned by society or my peers.I was myself and was forced to think for myself from a very early age.When a child goes through trauma at an early age it sets ones thinking pattern in a different way to most other people who have not known hardness.That thinking pattern opens up ones mind, to other goings on within and outside our world.I became sensitive in many ways.I searched for answers. I turned religious and desperately needed to know the answers to many questions.My early life was surrounded by strange phenomenon .I was fortunate enough to have lived a large part of my life within mid Dorset, surrounded by wonderful countryside, hills, forests and wildlife.I was often left to my own devises and roamed the Dorset downs alone at night to watch wild animals and to be alone, away from humans, noise , traffic and horrid smells to be with nature at a more spiritual level.I watched the animals from childhood. I saw badgers and got to know them; they were part of my life; the deer ,owls, snakes and river fishes were my life. They meant more to me than humanity:but what i really needed to know was, was there more to life.? does God exist ? What was my future ?. From an early age ,I saw strange craft in the skies . I saw them hundreds of times throughout my child hood and early adult life.When I used to visit the downs at night , I got more than I bargained for.I loved it and it became the main theme in my life.I felt privileged to have witnessed so much strange phenomenon, but what really bugged me was why the rest of humanity was totally oblivious .My main goals now are to spread the word of truth. I find it so more important than my zoological work.It a huge paradox that humans have not been told the truth by authorities and that so many people think that many subjects are mumbo jumbo; well that is for the individual to decide for themselves. We all start from somewhere, but there are so many people that were born just yesterday!Knowledge is gained by reading and listening. Intelligence is learned by experience.Truth is known by opening ones mind.
In this section of my website, I would like to include the controversial subjects that many people especially in the western world are blind to. There will me many folk who will be disappointed in me adding this section. They will not have realized that I had this side to me, unscientific, off with the fairies, little green men and all that nonsense!
Think what you wish. I am prepared to be ridiculed. It should not have a bearing on my other natural history subjects. At the moment I have no other place for it except in here, as I do not want to form a whole new website.
There are many subjects that I have always found fascinating from a very early age; telepathy, ghosts, psychic ability, premonition, life after death, coincidence and many other subjects that mainstream science chooses to ignore.
We live in changing times though and some of the subjects listed above have been studied by many mainstream scientists including psychologists, medical doctors, and psychiatrists and so on. There is changing opinion within the scientific fraternity in regards to many controversial subjects, as there is proof that many of them actually exist.
People may have theories, and people may know facts. It is very strange that all of the subjects listed above actually exist. We have been conditioned to believe that they do not. They would not occur as subjects if they did not exist. People have not talked about the bogey man for thousands of years, there has been accounts of sightings, no school of thought, no anecdotal evidence in regards to it. The chances are that it does not exist; at least as a physical identity.
Many folk may make a connection with big cats in Britain and mumbo jumbo nonsense. I do not class them as being related. I see the big cat phenomenon as being physical and just another part of none native animals free living in the UK. There may be many people who also believe in free living large cats in non native lands and also be into the so called non scientific, or fringe science; that is fine, it just means that the people who are fascinated with mysteries are interested with all those kinds of subjects. They have open minds and it is all lumped within the same boat. I must admit that a lot of subjects are too extreme and I personally think that they are damaging. There are some kinds of silly ideas being spread across cryptozoology sites that have no scientific proof whatsoever and do not conform even to the laws of physics. These subjects only do harm to the real subjects. People will not take any of it seriously if some folk talk of impossibilities and other seemingly nonsensical stories that filter through some of these kinds of sites. There may be a realm in which zoo form phenomenon exists, but we must be very careful when relating such topics within the subject. Crypto zoology has a valid place, and there are many excellent crypto zoologists that have written great stuff and do great research. Off course the subject has to exist , and I myself am involved in the subject but often feel that the reason as to why the subject is not taken seriously is because of all the baggage that surrounds it. I have been on three Center for Fortean zoology (C.F.Z )expeditions to remote areas of the world to help search for two cryptids. I now believe that both these animals, the yeti and the orang pendek exist. I, along with the other members of the C.F.Z found evidence. Crypto zoologists need to pass these findings on to the relevant authorities, but because we are not taken seriously by most scientific establishments, the revelations that we uncover are just not known. What a shame.
Seek and yea shall find.
I like many quotes from the holy bible, not because I may be a brain washed Christian, but because there are many very important ideals within. Christianity is the best religion in the world regarding effect and how one lives amongst a disbelieving society. I do not class myself as Christian but believe in the principles (except a few pathetic additives by control freaks a long time ago who changed the holy words).
Within the bible though are amazing truths, and if we only knew how to decipher some of the meanings as they were in the original Hebrew writings,and metaphors.
also within the books are references to air craft and of being coming to earth from space ships. These revelations are not only present within the books within the holy bible but other holy books from around the world, from all different faiths and religions. We need to take these truths seriously.
In the last one hundred years, mankind has abolished religion in the wake of modern Darwinism, and have done the great man many injustices.
Mankind is un-balanced and see the world in black and white without acknowledging the million shades of grey in-between. The main argument is, ” god cannot exist and creation could not happen because we have evolution which proves the point!.
Of what ?
I know that evolutions happens and am very quick to state that to many religious folk. Evolutions happens within all universes, in all and on all bodies within, forever. Life is in many parts of the cosmos, in simple forms or advanced forms and its job is to advance oneself into higher life forms or beings if need be.
just because evolution happens does not mean that there can be no god or creation !, what an absurd idea that is. The truth is, is that we are in-between knowledge and soon we will realise our mistakes. We can now create ! we can create life and do amazing things impossible a few decades ago. We will progress further until we will be doing what the gods did and we will become gods ourselves to more humble beings in the future. The gods of old, were beings, flesh and blood beings similar to us.It is also stated within the holy bible that we will do amazing things and be like god in the future. Why people have not understood this is beyond me !
There is so much evidence around the world of beings coming to earth in fiery chariots or sky ships, from not just the Christian bible or Jewish Torah but from old Indian texts,Sumerian texts,South american chronicles, Australian stories , Chinese texts and all the main faith writings.Ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts teach us truths of the gods on earth. History is riddled with evidence, yet modern man refuses to see through it.This can only be our undoing. The space craft that are modernly called U.F.O,s are simply the craft of gods angels that have been using planet earth for hundreds of thousands of years. There may be different types of beings related to different genetic casts. There may be good gods and bad gods who have had battle over the earth and its inhabitants. Human kind may be a race of genetically modified ape. We may have been programmed to become what we now are but there may have been many problems along the way. There are still missing links between apes and modern humans, and I believe that some of our D.N.A is from these beings. They may be of the earth originally and so may have the same basic genetic make-up so hiding the origins. I do not believe that we were just chimps that walked upright and our brains suddenly swelled and we began to tool use. there must be more to it all than that. We fly through the air, we build incredible machines we view the far distant nebulae in outer space and we are searching. No other animal on earth has these capabilities and would not without divine intervention. we will be doing the same thing in the future.
We have been fed the wrong information from people who may be on the so called dark side, the negative destroying force of dark energy within humans, that does not want us to advance in spiritual ways.We neglect it at our peril. It is our choice, and we have all been given the ability to know right from wrong.
The irony of it all is, is that so called scientists are backward in thinking that any advanced civilization of intelligent beings would be so far away and also searching for other similar life forms within the universe, and it is just a matter of time until we make contact ! How bazaar is that ? has it not occurred to these blind scientists that it happened a long time ago ?
Another irony is that many people in high places know of the truth but remain seated upon it !
We are reaching a critical time within our existence, as so many folk abandon the worlds religions or faiths, something that has kept folk on the straight and narrow. religion has also done so much harm over the last few thousand years and has actually way surpassed the good it was intended. This may have been known by the gods and all along , as if the tricks and puzzles have purposefully been places to test us to our limits.we still are young and have a long way to go. I believe mans goal is to better our spirit and become super being within the cosmos, and then we will be creating worlds and life in the future. It maybe that some of the Gods themselves are just us in our future, after mastering time travel.
My views are within the realms of logic and physics and can only be true.
We live in times when religions are at logger heads with each other;death and destruction prevails, only to get much worse. for what reason ? if only every person earth would realise that we cannot go on like this without destroying ourselves and the surface of earth. All faiths stem from the same source, it is just that the dispersal and breeding of humans on all parts of earth have distorted all original views, as as we advanced outwardly, so the truths have been distorted along the way . Religion in itself or in principle should not be a bad thing, but it has been very bad and has done more harm than good in many respects.
One of the co founders of the obvious theory of evolution, Alfred Russell Wallace was a believer in god. He was also a spiritualist. He was a great man but his views were not as well known as Darwin, only now is he acknowledged for his part in the equation. But, his religious ideas were not. Talk about the God delusion ! we are actually deluded in the way that we now believe that God cannot exist !. It is impossible for God not to exist.