Summer flowers

The rain has been good for many things, including dragonflies and damselflies,molluscs and most plants.Because growth has been so good, it will have great effects on other wild life, if not this year then next.The heathlands are full of water creating large pools for dragonflies and damselflies. they are having a great year.The sundews are doing very well.They are insectivorous and the sticky hairs on the leafs trap small invertebrates, they are then digested.This is the leaf of a round leaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)

The sea bindweed(Calystegia soldanella) is also flowering amongst the sand dunes.

The marsh Helleborine (Epipactis pallustris) was doing well but the patch that i was keeping an eye was munched by deer, leaving just one flower to open.

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