This year has been a mix of good and bad for various species of butterflies. The silver studded blue(Plebejus argus) is now out in huge numbers on some Dorset heathlands and the dark green fritillary (Argynnis aglaja) shown below is abundant in natural woodlands.
The large skipper (Ochlodes venatus)has done very well also and two males are sizing each other up here. Male skippers have scent glands on the wing , it is the dark crescent shaped mark on the fore wing.
Common terns(Sterna hirundo) are coming to the end of their breeding season soon as chicks will be soon fully feathered. The adults become more bold as they are desperate to catch sand eels for their ever hungry chicks. Here an adult perches on the chain ferry at Sandbanks just a few feet away from people and vehicles.