Although the weather has been very dry there are lots of interesting fungi around. Here I am with a cauliflower fungus(sparassis crispa) .The pretty creature can only be found at the base of various species of conifers such as the Douglas fir trees in the New forests Arboretum. It is a very good edible species and I often cut of little portions to take home to eat.There is still a big problem with over collecting of fungi in the Forest especially by East Europeans who seem to think that they can take whatever they like in as much quantity as they like to sell to local shops. I only take small amounts, oneĀ or two within a small group and always cut them at ground level so not to sever it from the mycellium.(The underground roots that are the main part of the fungus.The fleshy growths are just the fruits.
The Wirligig beetle (Gyrinus natator), is a sweet little creature that whizzes around in tight circles on flowing and still water. It eats mainly mosquitoes. They are plentiful on small New forest streams.
Dragonflies are still active and the Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) can be seen in large colonies breeding in the still waters.They can be seen perched almost anywhere.
Also This golden ringed dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) was resting nearby.